
Sylosis Monolith tour

24th January; O2 Academy Islington

Sylosis stormed back to their hometurf after a long tour with American Metal band Lamb of God with an amazing performance in the small venue. It was extremely lightening to see the venue packed with so many fans all anticipating the return of the Reading Shredders.
First up were local support band Chimpspanner who kicked off the gig with a rather mellow perfomance; slightly boring due to the fact there was no vocalist, however they still managed to pull off a good performance.
Next up were good friends of Sylosis: Devil Sold His Soul, slightly different subgenre to Sylosis however they still put on a good half an hour set. Vocalist Ed Gibbs wasn't on top form and struggled slightly as you couldn't really hear him over the roaring guitars and loud drums. The audience didn't seem to appreciate them as many were chanting 'Sylosis!' anticipating their appearence.
After that Sylosis made a very

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